Saturday, August 25, 2012

Naturally RADIANT: Forget Coffee, Give me a Cup of Leafy Greens??

I am the person who will not crack a smile, care to hold a conversation, nor remember anything of little importance before that first cup of morning coffee. Throw in the crazy hours of TV news- I really need a serious dose of caffeine to get me through the day or least to turn me into a cordial person. (I am exaggerating, a bit here)

Speaking of the studio, we have a ton of books laying around and I came across Kimberly Synder's Beauty Detox. She is a nutritionist to the stars and I like subscribing to her blog for natural health and beauty tips.


One thing she reccomends, for extra energy is starting your day with a Glowing Green Smoothie.
It was a little hard to wrap my mind around swaping my beloved coffee for a smoothie packed with 6 cups of leafy green vegetables-first thing in the morning- but I must admit, I feel great when I do.
 It's also a good way to up your fiber intake if you find yourself slacking throughout the day. Make a batch at the beginning of the week and it will hold in your fridge almost 3 days. It's my go-to when I need an energy boost or feel guilty for not eating enough fruits and veggies. I have included the link to the exact recipe for you to try. I like to skip the cilantro ;)

I hope you try it!

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