Saturday, August 25, 2012

Naturally RADIANT: Forget Coffee, Give me a Cup of Leafy Greens??

I am the person who will not crack a smile, care to hold a conversation, nor remember anything of little importance before that first cup of morning coffee. Throw in the crazy hours of TV news- I really need a serious dose of caffeine to get me through the day or least to turn me into a cordial person. (I am exaggerating, a bit here)

Speaking of the studio, we have a ton of books laying around and I came across Kimberly Synder's Beauty Detox. She is a nutritionist to the stars and I like subscribing to her blog for natural health and beauty tips.


One thing she reccomends, for extra energy is starting your day with a Glowing Green Smoothie.
It was a little hard to wrap my mind around swaping my beloved coffee for a smoothie packed with 6 cups of leafy green vegetables-first thing in the morning- but I must admit, I feel great when I do.
 It's also a good way to up your fiber intake if you find yourself slacking throughout the day. Make a batch at the beginning of the week and it will hold in your fridge almost 3 days. It's my go-to when I need an energy boost or feel guilty for not eating enough fruits and veggies. I have included the link to the exact recipe for you to try. I like to skip the cilantro ;)

I hope you try it!

Naturally RADIANT: Dry Hair? Fix it for Pennies...

Beyond the Green Screen

I don't know about you...but this desert heat does a number my hair, nails, skin--everything! But let's just focus on one for now-hair!

Although, I am a fan of using great quality shampoos and conditioners. Occassionally, I notice my hair decides to have a mind of its own and not act right! Is anyone else with me on this? Anyone?

When I want to solve a problem, especially beauty issues, I search for natural remedies first. That's when I discovered Apple Cider Vinegar! You probably have some already at your house. It works wonders to reset the pH balance in your hair and tones the scalp. It always gives my hair a boost and extra shine.

ACV Rinse:
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar ( not white)
2cups water ratio

**Try keeping a bottle of the rinse in your shower. I use it on a weekly basis.

 This rinse is on a ton of blogs, some say dont rinse it out, some say do it before shampooing or after condtioning, but I like use it after shampooing-to get rid of the residue, and before conditioning-to get rid of the smell.  You can play around and see what works for you.

Good luck!


Friday, August 3, 2012

THE SILVER LINING: Top Secret to Success

It's easy to get caught up in comparing or thinking about what you don't have in life. I know I am guilty of that from to time to time-especially with social media.

But how often do you take the time to appreciate all that you do HAVE even down to the smallest details. Do you practice being grateful?

I recently read an article on Yahoo, saying a top secret to success is GRATITUDE! It suggested actually writing down everything that you are thankful for in an effort to reprogram your thinking.

I love this idea! I just finished a full week of entries! Is this something you think you can do?

